Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Graduation Day

Yesterday, we graduated from our intensive Spanish course. We got certificates and everything. Tomorrow we´ll start volunteering at Clinica Alabama, probably starting out helping in the pharmacy...I think. Which means that today...erm...I have nothing to talk about. Stuffs tomorrow, stuffs yesterday, but never ever stuffs today.

So my exciting k-news for now, is:
-We finished watching Buffy season 7, and have now started Firefly. Both shows have Dark Conflicted Men, so I´m a happy girl.
-We´re going out for one more activity with the Spanish School this afternoon, where I think we´ll be learning to make a traditional Nicaraguense bread thingy. But I guess I could be way off...we may be learning to pick mangos with our toes...blindfolded...
-I got to watch House, which was a treat because the connection at our house is really slow and it would take too long to load a show...and believe it or not, we´re not here to spend all our time on the internet. But the connection at the school is much faster, so we loaded it there and watched it a couple nights ago. While eating mangos...mmmm...
I had a conversation with a sales-guy at the Masaya market we went to on Monday. In Spanish, of course. The downside, obviously, is that I had to talk to a man, but the upside is that I carried on a conversation in another language. A fairly simple one, but still...
-I´m on pins and needles to watch the new Doctor Who special. If all goes well, I´ll get to watch it tonight.

Mmkay, enough k-news. Cheerio.

Did ew know...?¿?
The Spanish language doesn´t register sarcasm.
Thank you for choosing Lod´s Little Tidbits, and have a nice day.

Since I know it´ll be asked, my tidbit is based on our viewing of Buffy in Spanish. A remark that in English was something like, "Sure, of course we can do that (in sarcastic tone)," was translated to, "No, we can´t do that." I thought it was funny. Ergo, the tidbit. I´m pretty sure there is no higher authority than Buffy. Except maybe The Doctor.

Mother: Well, as a matter of fact, I did get a bit of a tan. You can even see it if you compare me to...well, me. My arms to my legs. Lovely.

Cas*: I won´t have eye candy for long, since the classes are about over. And then what will I look at? Well, aside from the fact that we´re going through Firefly now, and Mal is one of my Dark Conflicted Men (TM). But hey, if you want to send me a care package, you won´t get any arguments from me!!! :-)=


  1. i'll get with my peeps and see what we can do. no promises though...smiles...any other requests?

  2. No sarcasm? My esteem for the Hispanic culture just went up ten fold. You know me. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Although, I have to confess, I have been known to occasionally be sarcastic. So, I won't throw stones.

  3. Let's see, DCM, your brother's initials. Is there some underlying symbolism?

  4. hahaah...betty, that was clever.

  5. You can't talk sarcastically? Then what do you say all day?!?
