Sunday, April 5, 2009

Con o Sin Acompañamiento

Or something like that. Ya know, if you´re ever confused, there´s this great site called where you can get pretty good translations of words. But I can´t promise that will always translate the title above says ¨With or Without Accompaniment..." I hope.

So, Anonymous. What´s a Nony Mouse? Eeehehehehehhhh...shut up. It was funny.

Anyquien (that means anyhoo, for the less me-minded), yesterday we walked around the town twice. The first time was on our own, walking down the main street towards the lake. It´s completely different at night, with cafes, stores, and bars open, and lots of music and street performance. Our apartment is a bit out of the way of tourists, so it´s a little bit of a surprise in that area to see the occasional white person and hear the occasional English know, aside from,"GHhello ba-by, I love u..." Speaking of, **warning**rant in progress** I´m getting ready to start saying "No comprendo" when they start with the catcalls in English. "Lo siento, yo hablo Español solamente." If they´re going to catcall, they might as well do it in Spanish so I can learn something. **rant over** Anyway, it was a pleasant walk (the temperature is very nice here when the sun goes down). We did try to start out at a strolling pace, and were succeeding, but with the busy restaurants came more hassling, and by the time we´d passed all the stores and were well on our way to the lake, we found ourselves at a brisk walk. Well, a speed walk.

After making our way back to the apartment and having dinner, we were invited on a walk by a guy who works here. I was amazingly able to enjoy our walk much more, without having to worry about where we were going and ignoring what went on around me for fear of being hassled some more. It´s not like they´re mean, but I tend to hate attention from men in any shape or form, so there you have it. It was great to take in the music and sites around me. It seems to be traditional to have someone with a dress over them that´s about twice as tall. They have a square they can see through that´s about halfway down the dress, while the dress itself has arms attached and a head at the top. The person will spin to the beat of drums, spinning this way and that, while the arms flap around with the motion. We saw several of those...while...WHY am I in Nicaragua and hearing Hollaback Girl?¿?¿?¿?¿? How annoying...

Ahem...there was a lunar eclipse last night, which was a big source of entertainment and there were a lot of people around the park with their heads craned upwards. Elizabeth and I decided it didn´t look any different than the normal phases of the moon...I thought of Stephen Fry...and we still kept looking up at the moon. Orlando (I think that´s the name of the man who showed us around...but alas he´d probably laugh and say I was way off...) showed us the lake side of the town, and also the other side we hadn´t ventured to yet. He was also very patient at helping us with our Spanish, which was very nice. He still speaks rather fast, but he´s patient to repeat and restate as needed, and at times I could understand whole sentences, which was thrilling.

Okay, it´s about lunchtime, so I shall wrap this up. *wrap wrap* Shut up. That was funny too.

Tu sabisteis...?
I really hope I got that translation right.
Thank you for choosing Lod´s Little Tidbits, and have a nice day.

P.S. Okay, a couple of me-translations. The not a ship´s about Pirates of the Caribbean. When Jack says, "It´s such a pretty boat...SHIP!" it in reality is a boat. This knowledge is thanks to Max.

I gather that next month is the start of their winter season. Not that it´ll be cold like there...´sigh´...but it should be cooler. Hopefully.

And finally, since it will probably be asked (except it won´t be because I´m answering the unasked question...I am that good...), the eclipse made me think of Stephen Fry because of a little sketch (skit) he did a long time ago, where he mentions a solar eclipse. Not a lunar eclipse, but even the Eclipse gum makes me think of Stephen Fry now, so there you go. When I make associations, I go that Shakira? Oooh!

1 comment:

  1. fry, as in fry and laurie...i knew it looked familiar, but i couldn't i've got it!! IL OVE YOU.
