So once again, some pics decided to be sideways. Little scamps. Here they are not sideways. I even provided the descriptions again for your convenience, though I can't promise they'll all make sense without the context of the others. Of course, I can't promise they make sense anyway, but all the same, I'd recommend you read the original post first, and then look at these pictures upright. Upright and steadfast. Like a bell. And a lizard. Like a lizard on a bell eating a tortilla. Yeah. Man, I'm tired.
On our little tour of Granada which our school took us on, we got to go up into the bell tower of a church and have a lovely view of the yellow church and the lake beyond. They had signs saying not to ring the bells. Which of course I had no temptation to do until I saw signs that said not to ring the bells. Sometimes there's no justice in the world.
Inspite of my lack of attention, I did manage to draw my eyes away from the kitten long enough to make my own tortilla.
Gustavo is the pharmacist at Clinica Alabama. We loved working with him, which was good because we worked with him a lot. You'll see in the third picture post just what that grueling work entailed.
Gustavo is the pharmacist at Clinica Alabama. We loved working with him, which was good because we worked with him a lot. You'll see in the third picture post just what that grueling work entailed.
This was another, though slightly less frequent, favourite snack...mangos!!!! Yummy.
Look, I had a friend!!! Actually there were lizards all over the place in the homes. And they make the cutest little clicking sounds. I was very pleased that this guy showed up to say goodbye. In case you can't make sense of the picture, the wall next to my bed was cement, and had a row of those holes in it. I assume in order to keep bugs out (which I greatly appreciate because there were swarms of mosquitos), they had a screen on the inside of the holes, and my friend is sitting on the outside of the screen.
Here I am ready to leave for the last time ('sniff'), with only my small bag packed and ready for San Juan del Sur. We had sent the rest of our luggage to Maria Celia's home for safekeeping while we were gone, to be picked up on our way to Managua later. Which was without doubt more info than you needed. No worries.
thanks for blogging. it looks sooo hot there. wowser. and you get to experience hot summer twice!! in one year. fun times for you! hehe. We missed you last night. we'll have to get together sometime this week. Love you.