Saturday, April 18, 2009

Throwing Up Isn´t Fun

Two days ago, I insulted pharmacists, engineers, and government employees...and then I threw up all afternoon and evening. But I´m sure they´re not connected...I´m sure it wasn´t some big payback...right?¿?

So, yeah, that was my last two days. I threw up. I watched House. I tried to eat. I threw up again. I went to sleep. I refused to eat the next day. Finally ate dinner. Went to sleep...and I´m mostly better now. I´m pretty sure there was some more sleeping mixed in there somewhere. Wanna guess what the highlight of all that was? No, not sleeping, silly pants. Not that I´m knocking sleeping. It can be quite pleasant...depending on the dreams...but House wins hands down. Unless it´s House I´m dreaming about. Aaaaand...yeeeahh...if I ever had more to say, it´s gone now. Sorry. Throwing up was kinda my major event.

Did ew know...?
Water is kind of important.
Thank you for choosing Lod´s Little Tidbits, and have a nice day.

Cas*: re. The ice thing: What a seemingly random suggestion. Don´t get me made me laugh. A lot. And granted Scottish dancing on a block of ice sounds like a very appropriate thing to do. The´s fantastic...but...what?¿?


  1. Oh well, guess you didn't duck. Glad you're better.

  2. I thought maybe starting to get better was the highlight.

  3. the reasoning behind anything alludes me now! glad you are feeling better! it was good to "see" you!

  4. There is nothing worse than stomach ache, and nothing relieves the pain. Glad your feeling better. I will have to catch up on your adventures.

  5. oh dear. if only Cas and I had sent you that poster earlier, you would have Zac to keep you company while throwing up. but maybe that wouldn't be such a good thing, after all. you know how when one eats a particular food, say potstickers, and then throws up quite soon afterward, thus forever ruining the taste of said potstickers forever? yes, perhaps Zac's face would have been ruined forever if you had the poster there to keep you company in your misery.

    hm. what else were you talking about? yeah, the other Zac is full of it. I always knew pharmacists had it WAY easy. pshhhh..
