Sunday, May 24, 2009

Estoy Cansada

I feel somehow like I'm always tired now. And when I say that, I mean the last two days, obviously. Honestly, how deep do you think I am? En serio, I love traveling. The experiences I've had over the last year have strengthened me, enlightened me, tried me, and ultimately....something. 'snort' Still expecting depth, aren't you? I'm tired. Cansada de viajando. Tired deep down where you can't really do anything about it, except curl up with your kitty and shut everything out. Hay tengo mi gata preciosa aquí. I'm weary of a world that won't, that can't understand me. Of people who absolutely cannot comprehend a life outside of partying. Yo extraño mis amigos. Yo extraño mi familia. I miss my cat. Ella se odia las fiestas. And though I find the trip approaching the end, a trip that's been muy rewarding in so many ways, it seems this next week is stretching out ahead of me longer and longer. In other words, muchas cosas han ocurrido, y yo no tengo nada para decir.

All that said, yo me repito, yo he habido a great time, y he aprendido mucho, de español, and about myself.

Ahora...¿donde está mi gata?

¿Sabías que...?
La palabra del día está: mezclandoing.
Gracias para eligiendo Lod's Little Tidbits, y tengas un buen día.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Questioning Answers

OoPs! I forgot to answer comment questions in my last blog.

Daddy: You haven't seen pictures because the connection here is too slow to upload them. There there. You'll see them when we get back. And if I could find a piano? That's a big if. A very big if, as it turns out, because I have not seen one. I wish.

SaraBee: Actually, SHE´s not a Lizzie Plant, but there is a plant called the Busy Lizzie plant. It became part of my blog through a complicated process of a thesaurus and a search engine. I wouldn´t bother questioning it too closely.

Sanna: Excellent point...but I can´t just randomly set up music ministries in a few weeks. It´s convenient for the teaching because things are already set up. At home I have more opportunities. And then there´s the language barrier. And the lack of instruments here. And no church content. Enough whinging yet?¿? :-)= I guess I´ll just have to come back with more resources.

And then to answer the questions already posted to my last blog...

Cas*: Heavens no, and a world of no, and any other no you could possibly think of. This was NOT the end...we have another season. I´d be wallowing in the depths of despair if THAT was the end. Not even plum puffs could minister to a mind diseased and a world that has crumbled into pieces. Okay...I´m already wallowing a little, I´ll admit. But we will certainly get a season 6, no worries there.

Sanna and SaraBee: The taxi drivers are liars. And the bus drivers too. I don´t just mean deceptive. That I expect. I expect that the taxi drivers will press you to ride with them rather than take the bus...because there´s not enough time...because the bus isn´t safe...I expect that. But when we were dropped off by the bus, we asked where the next bus was to the port. The taxi drivers said there wasn´t one. The bus driver said there wasn´t one. We pressed and pressed...right up until the bus pulled away without us. Thankfully, another taxi driver pulled up and offered us a cheaper price than the first taxi driver had given...but when we arrived at the port, there was the bus sitting pretty as you please. Let´s just say, I had a few words to say on the way back from the port two days later to that taxi driver...who was also pushy and I had had enough...

And yes, Sanna, I think we needn´t worry that Rebeccas and Susannas are becoming extinct just is comforting, is it not?¿?

...I feel like there´s something wrong with my title...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


We don´t meet many Americans where we are. We´ve met Canadians and tons of people from Holland, but no Americans. They do exist here...we´ve heard them talking along Calle Calzada (the main tourist street), but they don't seem to frequent the same places as we do. However, in order to walk from our apartment to Carita Feliz (the center where we´re helping teach), we walk along Calle Calzada, and hear bits of English conversations. I need to explain this to you, because you have to understand my amusement and delight over one particular snippet I was lucky enough to hear. This man from the south (or is that The South?¿?) was speaking in English, and then turned to a Nicaraguan and said something about "ehl bank-o." It´s moments like this that make me glad to be alive.

And now, to speak of my weekend. Elizabeth and I left for the weekend to see Ometepe Island, the largest island on the lake here, sporting two whole volcanos. Cool, eh?¿? You´ll have to excuse the "eh..." we hung out with a Canadian couple while we were there. We had a great time. When we arrived in Moyogalpa, we boarded a bus for Charco Verde, which is near the middle of the island, and is supposed to be relaxing. We were not disappointed. It was pretty out of the way, with no busy cities nearby. Not that there are any huge´s the biggest island on the lake here, but it´s still not THAT big. We stayed in a hostel right on the coast (is it still a coast if it´s a lake?). It was well priced, so they made up for it by charging too much for meals and giving a little food. It turned out alright though, because our Canadian friends (who shared our dorm room) knew of a little place about ten to fifteen minutes away that had great food for great prices. The owners got to know us, because we were there for every meal. They had different options all the time, and everything was great. We even got to try Sebiche, which is a traditional dish here.

Sunday was Elizabeth´s birthday, and we celebrated to the best of our ability.  In the morning, Rebecca, Ryan, Elizabeth and I went hiking along the hiking paths in the area.  We saw some wildlife (no monkeys unfortunately, but we did see monkeys the first day on our way in to the hostel) and got some good views of one of the volcanos.  They always seem to have a ring of smoke around them...wonder why that could be...

That afternoon, after lunch (at our regular place, Sinai I think was the name), we took a taxi to Ojo de Agua, a relaxing location with hammocks and chairs located next to a pool/spring.  Because of the hot weather here, the springs were delightful, and we relaxed and chatted all afternoon.  After we had finished swimming, we relocated to the hammocks and chairs, and chatted for a little while.  The subject of Elizabeth's birthday came up, and it was decided we should ask around if there was any kind of bakery with cake around.  As this was being discussed, a nearby woman who had overheard us walked over with a plate of cake and handed it to Elizabeth.  Turns out, they had been celebrating a birthday as well, and had plenty of cake.  What a delightful coincidence!  

That evening when the taxi driver picked us up, we had him drop us off back at the restaurant, as it was now dinner time and honestly, where else were we going to eat?  As I understand it, sebiche is something of an appetizer, and so Ryan ordered one large for the four of us.  When he brought out separate cups for us, we thought he must have separated it for us...until we thought about it more logically, assessed how very large each cup was, and came to the opinion that rather than one large for four, we got large sebiche cups for four.  Hence, the appetizer became the meal, our bellies were full, our mouths happy, and our pocketbooks satisfied, as they were kind enough to charge a little less for the sebiche, due to the mistake.  :-)=  Afterwards, Rebecca (no, I'm not discussing myself in the third person, silly) asked if they had anything suitable for birthdays.  One kind soul ran to another store and picked up little Eskimo ice cream containers, and we celebrated a little more with vanilla ice cream with chocolate topping.  My birthday present to my sister was a nice birthday massage (I'm certain I put a little more care into this one than our regular "My-neck-is-killing-me-just-like-every-day" massages).

And now it's back to work, but I don't mind.  It's kind of like coming home.  Three more weeks now, and then we'll be heading back.  I'm sure by the time we leave, we'll just barely be feeling like we're getting the hang of Spanish, and the weather will just be getting better and cooler, but I guess that's the way it goes.'s taken me a long time to get this blog written.  I've just been too busy with other things!!!!  Like watching House, for instance.  ;-)=  Anyhoo, that's about it for now.

Did ew know...?
Taxi drivers are as evil as lawyers.
Thank you for choosing Lod's Little Tidbits, and have a nice day.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Busy Lizzie Plant

Our days just got a bit busier. Which is too bad, since I came here to relax and shut out the world. Oh, I came here to learn Spanish?¿? Well...fine then.

We decided a few days ago that we have too much down time, specifically in the afternoons, so we inquired at our Spanish school about volunteer options she was aware of, and yesterday she took us to a center for children, specifically for those who can´t pay. School here lasts only for half the day, and the other half of the day the children are free. This center offers more education for them, teaching them a number of things such as cooking, sewing, Mathematics, English, and Spanish. Each session lasts for an hour and a half, and we´ll be helping with Mathematics and English for one session each afternoon. For the first week I´ll help with Math and Elizabeth with English, and then the following week we´ll switch. If everything goes as planned. Which is actually quite an assumption, but we´ll see.

All this means that we´ll wake up at 7 each morning, have breakfast at 7:30, work at the clinic 8-12, run a few errands or study (or sleep) until lunch at 1, leave for the center at 2, get back to the house around 5 or 5:30, and have dinner at 7. Yowza. We really will be busy. It´s good though. They were really excited to have help with the English class...whereas we were worried that ironically we would go to practice Spanish and end up practicing English. But they´ll need explanations in Spanish, so it should be fine.

Truth be told, my mouth goes a bit dry at the thought of not having Elizabeth to fall back on when someone tries to speak to me. I understand people just fine when they´re talking to her, but when they speak to me I tend to stare at them blankly. I´ve gotten in the habit of just turning pointedly towards Elizabeth when they´re done speaking. So I guess it´ll be good for me.

And this all brings me to my complaint: Why is it that wherever we go, there´s a way Elizabeth can help in the area of her profession, but not for me and mine?¿? Of course there´s a center where we can help teach English. Why isn´t there a place where we can teach music? Why isn´t there a music theory session?¿? Personally, I think it´s Elizabeth´s plot to take over the world. And need I mention there´s a cannon right next to the central park here? Yeah. ´Nuff said.

Did ew know...?
Busy Lizzies are succulent.
Thank you for choosing Lod´s Little Tidbits, and have a nice day.